July 18, 2010

bao beii

but i love this

overall this trip was super duper fun

although just a one day trip in KL
although we wearing the sticky uniform jalan jalan the whole day
although paggie aunty was so bising and sampat
although the fair was so bored

no matter where we are
we'd just get lots of fun
that's wad i realized yesterday

i counted it as a grace from God
thank you,Lord

learnt to treasure my classmate
as we have been trough so much stuff within this three years
k larh.guys.
i decided to go our class trip.alright
stop complaining that i not steady.
since fish had given the deposit on my behalf

Fb status back to single,satisfied?
stop asking me those stupid stuff
i know its i ask for it
but somehow so many ppl like to take such things serious

if you ask me
between friend and lover
which one i would choose to be with him
i'd choose to be his good friend
cause friendship never ends

1 comment:

  1. nice to know about ur decided about traveling with our classes
    that's true a nice trip to KL with ur recently
    all of u really amusing me
    although we hadnt much of time
    but i belief that we will meet always
    God bless you.
