October 03, 2010


it's over
"1st" world war is over.examination really can be counted as a war.how tough it was to all students.some might enjoying the exam but some aren't.really malas to prepare for the s2p UEC.can i just relax and do nth at home.

feel sorry to my dearest hong.the trip i cant make it at the last min.im soooo sorry.the reason was partly bcoz of my parents.i think u'll understand without my explanation.

I've determine to study abroad.i dun care.really dun care anymore.im really sick of staying here
sick of this place.i know i need something's new.something that is fresh to me .need it desperately.hence.even at last i gotta study in XX uni in KL.i swear i'll try my best transfer to ANY foreign uni rather than studying in m'sia.just not feel like staying here anymore
so if next yr i tell u guys that im gonna further my study in taiwan.don't b shock man
that's might be my last option.
but all this is my rubbish thought.still,the last decision i leave it to God.

friends doesn't last forever.
today,she could get along well with u.shares gossip or jokes with you.next 2 week.she turns to another friend.and just ignore u or just simply show u some insincerely concern.i really dislike that kind of feeling.it make me think that"ur lame concern are just extra for me".but thank you for letme know that i should treat u as well as how you'd treated me and others.our friendship will always remain in level 2 or 3 even we've know each other for many yr.that's better.

im fine without u this month.i still can slove everything without u.i wanna met u but my mind stopped me.u always ask me not to think so much.but i know i have to.
at last.the conclusion is im not the right one to any guy.im not ready for a relationship.even i stepped into it.it wouldn't last long.i dun wanna lost u but i really dunno what to do.

i wish my brain just like a memory card that can be format but keep every precious moment in it.

A mind for truth, A heart for God.

i realized that u guys are who i want and glad to have u guys bside me.
thank you,cousin.i feel better now.

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